





ジャンル:Full HD (フル ハイビジョン) 水着 グラビア 美少女



「はるかぜ 安藤遥」の良くある質問 by Yahoo!知恵袋
Q.外国の方からのメールの訳。すみませんが、このメールの訳をお願いします。相手のメールアドレスは削除してます。----------PatrickMy name is Patrick Chan I work with the Hang Seng Bank. There is the sum of $22,500,000.00 in my bank"Hang Seng Bank",Hong kong.I wish to make a transfer of the $22,500,000.00 .I do solicit for you assistance in effecting this transaction.I intend to give you 30% of the total funds as compensation for your assistance.Should you be interested please send me an email on my private email (相手のメール先/削除)1. Full names2. Private phone number3. Current residential addressRegards,(相手のメール先/削除)Patrick Chan.----------
A.私はPatrick chanと申します。Hang Seng Bankとビジネスをしています。私の香港にあるHang Seng Bank銀行には合計で22500000ドル入ってまして。あなたにお願いしたいのが、この額を送金のお手伝いです。手助けのお礼として30%をさしあげるつもりです。もしご興味があればEメールを送ってください。訳は以上ですが、、、、ご想像のとおり・・・だと思います。
Q.次の英文の日本語訳を教えてください。よろしくお願いします。Many people know that Vincent van Gogh sold only one painting in his whole life. Throughout his life, he saw his work rejected by the public. He was always poor; but his brother Theodorus (Theo), an art dealer, supported him by sending him money and artist’s materials. Theo believed that his brother was a genius who would one day win public recognition.Today, people all over the world love van Gogh’s works. Their great popularity makes them among the world’s most expensive paintings. A century after Vincent’s death, a Japanese company paid almost forty million dollars for his painting known as Sunflowers.What makes van Gogh’s paintings so special? They are full of life and energy. They explode with color. You really need to see the, at an art gallery to appreciate them. The thick layers of paint and dynamic brushstrokes make you want to reach out and touch them.
A.Many people know that Vincent van Gogh sold only one painting in his whole life. 多くの人々が知るようにフィンセント・バン・ゴッホが売った彼の作品は生涯一つだけだ。Throughout his life, he saw his work rejected by the public. 彼はその人生を通じて、自分の作品が公には受け入れられていないと感じていた。He was always poor; but his brother Theodorus (Theo), an art dealer, supported him by sending him money and artist’s materials. Theo believed that his brother was a genius who would one day win public recognition.ゴッホは常に貧しかったが、芸術品の販売人で彼の兄弟のテオが彼のために金銭や画材道具を工面していた。テオは自分の兄弟であるゴッホの才能がいずれ公に認めらると信じていたのである。Today, people all over the world love van Gogh’s works. Their great popularity makes them among the world’s most expensive paintings.現在では世界の人々がゴッホの作品を愛し、そのためにゴッホの作品は世界でも最も価値のあるものとなった。 A century after Vincent’s death, a Japanese company paid almost forty million dollars for his painting known as Sunflowers.ゴッホが亡くなって1世紀が立ち、ある日本企業は「Sunflowers(ひまわり)」というタイトルで知られる彼の作品を4百万ドル相当で買い上げた。What makes van Gogh’s paintings so special? They are full of life and energy. 何がゴッホの作品をそこまで特別なものにしたのか?彼の作品はまるで人生そして生きるためのエネルギーそのものなのだ。They explode with color. ゴッホの作品はその色使いとともに感情が爆発するようだ。You really need to see the, at an art gallery to appreciate them.あなたも是非、画展でそれらの作品に触れてみるべきだ。The thick layers of paint and dynamic brushstrokes make you want to reach out and touch them.奥深い描写とそのダイナミックな筆遣いにあなたも魅了され、手を伸ばし触れてみたくなるはずだ。


 full of love
 僕クエスト full
 桃源郷エイリアン full
 full bloom
 one da full
 core PRIDE full
 full of harmony
 青い栞 full
 full of vigor
 super junior full

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